The goal of this application is to teach students how to build two types of Meccano cars: an F1 car and a Jeep. It guides users through assembling these cars by virtually constructing sets of parts. Users can manipulate, rotate, and examine the pieces needed for the entire assembly. As parts are fitted together into sub-assemblies, they automatically align as if magnetized when brought near the central assembly point.
These sub-assemblies are explained with text boxes that describe the function of each selected part. This helps students understand each component in a simplified way, reflecting its role in a real car.
The app includes a login system where students use their university enrollment number and a self-created password. Once logged in, they can choose between tutorial mode and evaluation mode for both the F1 car and the Jeep.
In tutorial mode, a guide narrates instructions and provides feedback on errors or successes as users follow the sequence of steps.
In evaluation mode, users assemble the car independently without guidance. By this stage, they should have learned how to correctly arrange all the sub-assemblies. After completing the assembly, the screen shows whether the evaluation was passed or failed, along with the time taken.
Overall, this application offers an interactive learning experience for students, teaching assembly skills through virtual modeling. It allows them to practice independently after mastering the basics in tutorial mode.
Academic · Virtual Reality · HTC Vive Pro · Augmented Reality · Mobile Devices · Training
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