
This application is exclusively for vets and was designed to aid in explaining certain diseases to pet owners more clearly, efficiently and visually. It enables veterinarians to clarify and explain canine patient diagnoses, empowering owners to make more informed decisions, along with a better understanding of certain diseases.

The app features a login screen for each vet, allowing them to maintain their own records of patients stored in a private database. A generic 3D model is included, which can interactively swap between male and female, featuring the skeletal system for visual reference during explanations, as well as their organs.

Within the app, various internal systems of canines are depicted, such as the kidneys. Depending on the chosen internal system, veterinarians can view several common clinical conditions associated with that system.

Upon selecting a system, veterinarians can examine it in isolation using a 3D model that allows rotation, zooming, and panning. When a specific condition within the chosen system is selected, the 3D model transitions to visually represent the affected organ. The app also displays a representation of the healthy organ on the same screen, facilitating comparisons between the healthy and ill states.

The app also allows veterinarians to annotate directly on the models, either through text or by drawing over the 3D model. This feature enables veterinarians to provide detailed explanations and annotations to the pet owner regarding the diagnosis. These annotated images can be saved for future consultation.

In summary, this application enhances communication between veterinarians and pet owners, providing visual aids and interactive tools to explain diseases effectively, ultimately supporting informed decision-making about pet health.

Veterinarian · App Dev · Mobile Devices · Diagnostic App

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